Wholesale Rose Ordering

Greenheart Farms sells to professional growers only.

To place a wholesale order or to ask about pricing, please contact one of the following brokers:

Company State Phone Website
Ball Seed Company IL 800-879-2255 ballseed.com
Bill Moore & Co., Inc. FL 800-237-7794 billmooreco.com
Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc. KY 800-214-2221 ehrnet.com
Express Seed Company OH 800-221-3838 expressseed.com
Griffin IL 800-323-7253 griffins.com
Henry F. Michell Company PA 800-422-4678 michells.com
McHutchison NJ 800-943-2230 mchutchison.com
Messick Company LLC CA 408-871-9816 messickco.com
Star Roses and Plants CA 800-457-1859 starroses.com
Vaughan's Horticulture IL 855-864-3300 vaughans.com
Weeks Roses CA 800-992-4409 weeksroses.com